Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Sweat Wallet | Listen to Music & Unlock Rewards Quiz Answers


Sweat Wallet is the easiest way to walk and earn crypto with no payment required.

Anyone can start minting SWEAT by walking and you can stake your SWEAT to earn rewards.

The more you stake, the better rewards you can access including gift vouchers and event tickers.

Additional features include a one-click login, sending SWEAT to others, and battling against friends.

To get started, sign up for Sweat here sweatco.in/i/elixir_125, download Sweat Wallet, and navigate to Home > Learn > Current Quiz.

This guide contains the Sweat Wallet Learn & Earn Listen to Music & Unlock Rewards quiz answers to earn 1 SWEAT.

Sweat Wallet Listen to Music & Unlock Rewards Quiz Answers

  • Question: What can I do with my digital collectables?

            Answer: All of the above.

  • Question: What rewards do you earn?

            Answer: All of the above.

  • Question: Who’s on TuneGO?

            Answer: All of the above.

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